I'm Bree,
founder of Breethe
Every cell in my body vibrates when I have the ability to meet someone new and introduce them to the lifestyle of health and wellness.
️I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by a village of experts; motivators, mentors and mostly love during my time in this field.
For as long as I remember, I always had a deep desire to understand the whole human body and find all the intertwined connections to gut, mind, body and soul.
I started my journey at Brock University and completed a Bachelor of Kinesiology Degree.
I spent the next couple of years as a Strength & Conditioning Coach and Director of Health & Wellness. I quickly ventured into becoming a Certified Nutritional Practitioner specializing in gut health, hormones, ailment and disease prevention + maintenance.
I'm passionate about the work I do! Helping clients connect their health dots - and find our the root causes behind their ailments and discomfort.
I would be honoured to walk with you along you wellness journey
- click below to book a call with me!

I understand you, because I am you
Growing up, I faced a heap of health hurdles: debilitating period pain from Endometriosis, chronic bloating, bad bowels and a stubborn inability to shed weight.
Like many young women, I was prescribed birth control to eliminate symptoms and I hoped it would be the magic pill to ease my period pain, but it only made things worse over time, and was just a sticky band-aid fix to other underlying health issues.
Between being a provincial soccer player, full-time student, and worker, my cortisol levels and hormones went haywire- a true recipe for disaster!
The stress of it all left me feeling exhausted, and later in life, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.
I spent most of my career specializing in strength training and body recomposition and I noticed so many of my clients also suffered from gut issues, chronic illnesses or ailments that went constantly dismissed that were preventing them from feeling and looking their best.
To get to the root of these issues, I went back to school to become a certified Holistic Nutritionist at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and worked with gut health experts to learn about root cause approaches to health.
Armed with a background in Kinesiology, nutrition fundamentals, supplement support, herbal remedies, and diagnostic testing - I healed my Colitis naturally & finally accomplished a pain-free period without relying on birth control or handfuls of over the counter medications!
My mission is to help others find the freedom, peace, balance between body & biome. Backed by science, education and a deep connection to spirit I help guide humans so they can live their best lives with healthy guts, balanced hormones, stronger bodies, and mindset transformation to find pure expansion in every aspect of life.
Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP)
Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP)
Exploring the Underlying Causes of Ailments, Disease, Gut Issues, and Hormonal Imbalances
Gaining deeper understanding of nutrition, metabolism, and human anatomy to address these health concerns. By deep diving into different diets, symptomology, pathology, herbal medicine, and supplement & herb support for clients.
Bachelor of Kinesiology (BKin)
Brock University
A deeper understanding of how the human body works and how physical activity can greatly impact our overall health and well-being. Understanding and implementing proper form and technique in exercise, as well as the significance of rest and recovery.
Designing exercise programs that are safe and effective for individuals of all ages and fitness levels.